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The Importance of Dues.
Membership in Adelphic Union Lodge is extended to members in good standing in order to support the crucial activities of our Order. We think you will find membership in AUL rewarding and unique, and one of the best opportunities available to fully participate in an active Lodge of The MWPHGLNY. Membership in our Lodge requires committing to a financial commitment to pay dues. Contact the Master, or Secretary using the contact links if you need more information on your dues.
An easy way to pay your dues is through Paypal using the links below. Dues may also be paid per month or per quarter by check or cash.
Secretary R:.W:. Sandino Sanchez
contact email: sandinosanchez@hotmail.com
Cashapp and Zeile are available to anyone who wishes to support our Lodge events. Donations of any size can be taken via those sites. Thank you.
To donate or pay dues via cashapp
To donate or pay dues via Zeile use the following:
Please denote in the notes section what the donation or payment is for.
Thank you